Samstag, 24. Oktober 2009

Den meisten ist diese Plattform der alternativen Nachrichtenquelle sicher ein Begriff. Doch absolute Freiheit hat wohl doch ihre Nachteile: Die Mehrzahl der Beiträge sind parteiisch, polemisierend und nicht durch Quellen gesichtert.

Wie verhaltet ihr euch? Lest ihr indimedia Nachrichten o. ä. regelmäßig? Sollten Nachrichtenquellen wie indymedia moderiert oder sogar kontrolliert werden? Welche Vorteile und welche Gefahren sehr ihr bei der oft propagierten "grenzenlosen Freiheit" des Internets?


3 Kommentare:

  1. Ich grüsse euch, ich glaube dass sind alle sehr gute Fragen und ich würde gerne die Diskussion beginnen. Da, mein Deutsch nicht ausgezeichnet ist, werde ich auf Englisch schreiben, damit alles schneller läuft.

    Indymedia is an interesting project and I know that some people in Moldova are contributing to Indymedia. Of course, the first advantage is that once you have such an Internet-platform you can avoid censorship, which as we know exists not only in repressive-authoritarian regimes, but also in countries with more consolidated democracies. If you read carefully the traditional american media like New York Times, CNN (leading liberal channel in USA) or Fox News (leading conservative TV station). for sure you will notice certain biases in their reporting. The same can be said about German media. The advantage of Indymedia is that it by-passes all kinds of controls existing in traditional media.
    The danger as you pointed out is that we get sometimes reporting that does not respect the basic rules of journalism and which undermines the credibility of this news portal. But are we all born journalists? Do we always have access to a second opinion? Of course not. I think this is one of the main challenges of the Web 2.0, each user can become a contributor and this is clearly for me an advantage. The traditional concept of audience disappears, now the readers become also writers.
    A danger I see in this "freedom without limits" are the costs of moderating a forum. I will give you an example. The most read Romanian-language newspaper in Moldova (the country where I come from) modernized its website, but did not include a forum because the users were very often aggressive using a lot of F-words (Schimpfwörter). And here comes the next question related to another post, how do people behave online? It seems the normal constraints disappear under the veil of anonimity.

  2. thx u very much for your interesting point of view towards this topic. in my oppinion there's a clear advantage in the new possibilities of web2.0, even in the indymedia. i guess, today it's part of my daily news input.

  3. Most of daily news sites in my country (Bosnia and Herzegovina) have that option that let other people to give their own comments on news. For me, those comments are sometimes much more interesant to read then the text itself. Why? Through other people opinions, you have a possibility to find out the real,uncensored situation and it is good. But, it scares me sometimes, esppecially if there is a topic about politic situation in country. Most of the comments are full of intolerance, hatred, ugly words... After reading that, I m actually wondering if it s safe to go out of the house. I dont see that aggressivness in everyday life and that confuses me. People that write those comments are people that I meet every day, arent they? So, I wonder... Is it just a way for them to release their frustrations? Are they just waiting for adequate situation so they could stop supressing their aggressivness? Should I ignore it?
